IR consulting with irwerk:
imagine the full spectrum of IR management!

At irwerk, we believe that successful Investor Relations and financial market communication is about more than just delivering solid financial results.

It's about crafting a comprehensive narrative for all relevant stakeholders, that aligns with your company values, vision and stakeholder universe.

With our unique Equity storytelling approach, we complement your business success by continuously strengthening your market presence and reputation to grow your valuation.

We surely bring together your valuation where it belongs: “we are getting there!”

Should we talk about it?

Driving your valuation with IR consulting & financial PR

Capitalize on our expertise in Investor Relations and financial PR for issuers of different sizes and various industries - from a pre-IPO consulting to a well-established listed stock IR practice; from classic to green bonds communication, through the Private Equity IR.

Let us drive your valuation: to you and your team, we are sparring partners, ears and eyes on the benchmark, a bulging think tank, where we can discuss together fresh ideas – or old ideas in a different context 🙂

We craft impactful stories to capture the attention of all relevant stakeholders.

What is our way to work? Tell a better story to the right audience!

Our Investor Relations consulting services include

Equity Storytelling

IR strategy development & consulting, create & deliver messages for relevant audiences, Q&A books building, Investor targeting

Experience the transformative power of IRwerk's expertise - unlocking trust, transparency and long-term investor relationships - by contacting us today to build your compelling  IR strategy

Reputation management & crisis communications

Crisis communication in special situations

Take proactive steps to protect your reputation and manage crises effectively by contacting our crisis communications agency today for expert support and guidance.

Financial Public Relations

Financial PR and stakeholder communications, M&A & transactions, IPO & deal communication, roadshow presence, IR events

Media training

For c-level, IR teams, and ambassadors

IR Interim management services & outsourced IR

Flexible addition or replacement on-site to your team

ESG communication

ESG investor & stakeholder dialogue, ESG reporting, sustainability communication

Financial Reporting & compliance

Mandatory disclosure, annual & interim reports, announcements & notifications, corporate news

Why irwerk?

Leverage our extensive IR consulting expertise for your success

Based in Germany, near Munich, irwerk supports companies across the board, from global firms to family businesses.

We have strong relationships with key stakeholders globally, including institutional investors, analysts, financial media, and other relevant prescriptors and multipliers, allowing us to effectively amplify our clients' messages and ensure that they reach the right ears.

Our approach to Investor Relations consulting

Our passion: creating stories that stick!
Our goal: create sustainable shareholder value by powerful equity storytelling, providing full IR management service or backing by outsourced IR tasks and IR interim management.

We work closely with our clients to build compelling messages that resonate with the right audience, ensuring that our clients' value creation narratives are well-articulated and understood by all relevant stakeholders. We make sure that our clients have the support of their financial stakeholders both on an ongoing basis as well as in special and challenging situations.

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